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我看到很多人都回来光顾挑灯夜谈,但是由于时间很赶,我需要一些时间来处理录音,因此,我希望大家可以耐心等候~ 而挑灯夜谈在节目中也已经说明,将会以双周的方式播出。另外,由于最近本人的运气极差,根据内行人的说法是我在没有自我保护的情况下,制作这些灵异节目,肯定会招惹一些衰运。目前,我各样东西都陆续走下坡,事业运差得我自己都不敢相信,很多东西都是突然发生,宁可信其有,我唯有暂时减少做类似的节目。我希望大家明白我的处境~

Thanks for supporting the ghost story, but due to the time is quite rush, I need some time to process the recording.Somehow, I am having my bad luck recently, according to some people, that is because I have been doing too much of these spiritual things, and I have never done any ritual before recording or producing the audio. It might be harmful. Therefore, I might be reducing of processing the show currently. I hope all of you will understand my situation~ I know it is hard to believe but yet~ sometime, you got to believe it. Anyway, the show will be posted on next week.

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