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寂寞教室- 第96集 烦恼 Lonely Classroom – #96 Trouble

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Everyone has their own problems, within these few weeks, I have faced alot of troubles. Please allow me to share about my problems for this week. Sometimes, it is important for us to listen to others stories, as from there, you might gain some experiences or you can give a helping hand to that person. I hope you wont feel boring with this episode.
每个人都有烦恼,连续这几个星期,我都觉得很烦。要我嘻嘻哈哈做节目,我真的没办法。这集真情流露,讲的是自己私人的事情。我想偶尔听一下别人的故事,或 许你可以从中给予意见,伸出援手;或许你可以从中学习到,获得启发。