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#09 一起去吃淡水鱼!Let’s go and eat fresh water fish!

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那天我和一家人到居林去吃淡水鱼,原以为鱼会有土味,怎知道原来这里的淡水鱼是多么的鲜甜。所以,这集我想特别介绍大家这个地方- 鱼塘小食馆,不喜欢吃淡水鱼的朋友,可以去试,你会对淡水鱼另眼相看!

My family and I went to Kulim for eating the fresh water fish. We always thought that the fish might have the smell of soil, but surprisingly the fish was really fresh and taste sweet. In this episode, I will be introducing the place called 鱼塘小食馆。Those who does not like to eat fresh water fish, you may go and have a try, I am sure you will have a pleasant lunch there!

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